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64 People Killed In Bangladesh By Lightning Strikes

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Lightning deaths in Bangladesh

Here is one for the wall of wierd.

Being struck by lightning is an extremely rare occurrence, however, for the poor unsuspecting residents of Bangladesh, it had become a very frightening possibility, as 64 people had been killed by lightning within 2 days.

Bengali-language newspapers Prothom Alo and Samakal reported Saturday 14th May that since Thursday there had been 64 reported fatalities. The reports indicated the deaths occurred in rural parts of the country, where farmers are currently harvesting for the season.

The dangerous conditions have been due to the current tropical storms that the region is experiencing, common in the pre-monsoon season.

Many experts have indicated that increased deforestation and exposure to metal equipment such as cellphones could be to blame for the lightning deaths.

The countries disaster management chief Mohammed Riaz Ahmed advised the government were considering assigning the event(s) a ‘Natural Disaster’ status.

“We will make all efforts…so that lightning strikes cannot be that big a threat in Bangladesh,” Ahmed said.


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