The old man who was fondly known by locals and his family as ‘Mbah Ghoto’ (Grandpa Goto) managed to outlive 4 wives. He passed away in his home in Central Java.
While it is alleged his age was 146 at his passing, being born back in 1870, unfortunately Indonesia only started recording birthdate records in 1900, making his claim to the record officially invalid.
According to Indonesian officials though, his residency card includes his date of birth, and is believed to be completely valid.
“Life is only a matter of accepting your destiny wholeheartedly,” he said last year.
“I have wanted to die for a long time.”
According to his family ( he had 5 children, 12 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandchildren ), Mbah Ghoto died following a short illness.
His grandson Suyoto told reporters that when he came home from hospital, he started to eat less and less over time.
“It only lasted a couple of days. From that moment on to his death, he refused to eat and drink,” he added. “He didn’t ask much. Before he died, he just wanted us, his family, to let him go.”
A former farmer and fisherman, Mbah Goto attributed his long life to being surrounded by a loving family who constantly cared for him and loved him.