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Miracle In Hawaii As Holy Icon Produces Myrrh

It's time to ascend.

Miracle With Myrrh Iveron Icon


A small parish in Kaka’ako is gaining some media attention after an image of Mary with baby Jesus is producing droplets of rose scented Myrrh.

Unable to be explained, to all believers who have witnessed the event, its nothing short of a miracle.

“It’s made us, perhaps, more humble towards God and the church,” said parishioner Coco Wiel.  “We’ve started to realize we have a much bigger responsibility to take care of the parish.”

“Drops that appear like dew, like dew on grass,” said Father Antole Lyovin of the Holy Theotokos of Iveron Russian Orthodox Church.  “A drop appears here, a drop appears there.  And it starts flowing down.  So, how can you fake that?”

The picture is known as The Iveron Icon Of The Holy Theotokos, a smaller reproduction of the original which resides in Greece – which also streams Myrrh.

The Hawaiian icon began streaming the liquid around 5 years ago, strangely on the 15th anniversary of the icons original keeper, Brother Jose Munoz. But theres more.

It is also believed that the Myrrh has healed a terminally ill young girl, who had been diagnosed with a brain tumor.

“We prayed, we anointed her with myrrh and everything.  It was such a tragedy for the family,” said Father Lyovin.  “After the operations, the doctors said, turned out to be a very rare case in the United States.  The first case where it turned out to be not so aggressive.  After they cut it out, she went through chemo and now she’s back with us.”

Check out more details here at KITV, along with video interviews of the priest of the parish.