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Tucker Carlson – UFO’s are piloted by ‘spiritual entities’

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UFOs and their pilots might not be extraterrestrial beings from distant planets but rather “spiritual entities” that have coexisted with humanity since its inception. This theory was suggested by Fox News veteran and former MSNBC host Tucker Carlson during his appearance on comedian Joe Rogan’s podcast.

“There’s a ton of evidence that they’re under the ocean and under the ground,” Carlson told Rogan’s listeners in the podcast’s typical three-hour discussion format. “They’ve been here for a long time.”

Carlson’s comments align with a growing sentiment among UFO-curious lawmakers, including Missouri Congressman Eric Burlison and GOP legislator Tim Burchett, who have compared UFOs to Biblical entities over the past year.

“The first chapter of Ezekiel is pretty clear of a UFO sighting,” Rep. Burchett told reporters in January 2023, before advocating for UFO whistleblowers to testify before Congress last summer. Rep. Burlison, who has attended classified briefings on UFOs, added, “Whenever I use the term ‘angels,’ to me, it’s synonymous with an extradimensional being.”

Carlson appeared to earnestly support these ideas during his April 19 podcast appearance, while acknowledging the many unanswered questions surrounding UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena). “They’re from here and they’ve been here for thousands of years,” Carlson said. “And it’s pretty clear to me that they’re ‘spiritual entities,’ whatever that means.”

The veteran broadcaster explained that by “supernatural,” he meant that these beings were “above the observable nature” and did not conform to the laws of science. “With that fact set,” Carlson rhetorically asked, “what do you conclude?”

Earlier in 2024, Rogan speculated about Carlson’s growing interest in UFOs, wondering before Carlson’s appearance, “What does he know?”

Speculation linking UFOs to religious visitations and theories about interdimensional beings has been a recurring theme since the early 20th century. The concept gained significant attention with the 1969 publication of “Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers” by astronomer and Internet pioneer Jacques Vallée. Vallée, who inspired François Truffaut’s character in Steven Spielberg’s “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” examined ancient texts and compared historical accounts of “luminous” flying objects with modern UFO sightings.

In recent years, Vallée, now a Silicon Valley venture capitalist and computer scientist, published a study of physical evidence from a UFO crash in the peer-reviewed journal Progress in Aerospace Sciences. Vallée told Wired that he hopes his research will serve as “a template for what serious UFO research could be in the future, if one plays by the rules.”

Similar arguments, linking UFOs to demonic entities or angelic miracles, have appeared in less scholarly contexts on cable TV shows like “Ancient Aliens” and online forums. Brian Allan, editor of Phenomena Magazine, cited Anglican Pastor Ray Boeche, who claims a faction within the Pentagon believes UFOs are the product of demonic forces.

“The Defense Intelligence Agency was looking at this demonic element, and they labelled these sorts of aliens as ‘non-human entities,'” Allan said. “They believed that there was a demonic component to the UFO phenomenon: they are not invading us, it’s Biblical.”